fieldtrip friday!

Today was great. We took the kids to the LG Science Center in Busan. It's a free science center as

long as you call and book your reservation. It was fantastic. The exhibits were wicked cool. Except, there was one exhibit that explained how children were born and it literally showed a video of a sperm fertilizing an egg and it really freaked me out to know that these children who are under 10 years old were learning about that so young. I don't know, kind of strange. Like, we literally watched a childbirth. It was a video of a lady in the hospital and they showed the baby getting delivered. I was honestly disturbed to be supervising these children as we all watched this. Granted, child birth is a part of life but these kids are supposed to think the goddamn stork delivered them or something. They're so tiny. Anyways, there was a robot machine that took someone's picture and then the robot drew a picture (a really good one) of the person. There was a machine that let the kids go in and then showed what their children would look like if they were to get married and have kids. There was this simulation where the children were able to lay down on a surf-board looking thing and "fake swim" where they were racing each other on the screen. I had a blast. We watched a performance and then watched a video in 3-D too. They were both in Korean but I was entertained. There were also these robot dogs that danced to the "Gangnam Style." I was cracking up, it was so adorable and very humorous. All in all, shoutout to the LG Science Center. The exhibits were way cooler than things you'd see in America AND DID I MENTION THAT IT WAS FREE?!

Anyways, I really just wanted to post about my awesome field trip today. It's the weekend now. I have a fun filled schedule. I'm taking the subway to Busan tomorrow and meeting up with the two Korean teachers from my school. I'll be having my first Korean BBQ! I plan to buy an all day subway pass and just kind of hop on, hop off, and explore type of thing. An all day pass is only five bucks. I love it. I'll leave you with a picture of this cool water bottle I bought. Again, I have this problem where I buy things simply because I find them fun or adorable.

I'm off to explore downtown Yangsan. Enjoy your weekend! (BTW: You can click on the pictures to make them larger!)


  1. LMFAO!! Cannot. Stop. Laughing. Soooooooo awkward! Very very funny though, that's probably why they're all really smart and some become good plastic surgeons. Start these kids off young! Museums like that are the best though, especially the ones that have cool simulations where the kids (or adults....) can get involved. I truly feel they learn better that way. & Let me know how the city is! I really do want to visit!!! :)

    1. I know! I was actually laughing out loud throughout half the museum. I was thinking that's why they were so smart too! hahaha. These kids are like 6 years old and already know english. their parents put them in piano classes after school. crazyy. my city is cool so far, lots of food places.. a nice little downtown area. busan is the hot spot, which is the next city over. its about an hour on the subway. its really like living in lynn and going into boston for all the drinking and stuff. so thats not too bad. that would be so sick if you could come !


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