hello world.

I've been super busy just enjoying life and I never feel like writing about it. School is finally a lot easier. The students know basic things and their listening skills have become much better. The days go by ridiculously fast. And the moms keep bringing in treats for the teachers, I love it. My n
ew roommate is such an improvement. He's old which sucks - I wish they would hire someone in their twenty's. He's literally never here and I am not complaining. He's much better with the kids than the last guy too.

Two of the videos were from a road trip I took with Hannah to an awesome stone temple. Each temple is so different than the next so it's always interesting to explore new ones.

Every Thursday I meet with the Korean ladies to help them with their English. They give me food and coffee and I speak to them. They love it and I love it. It's funny because I say the word "super" as an adjective a lot (super fun, super tired, what have you). And I never noticed until they pointed it out. They love my slang and I love that they love it. They're adorable. One lady, Tiffany, has a friend who does massages for super cheap. A three hour full body massage only costs about $50 and I obviously signed up for one. It's good to be in the know.

A parent treated the teachers to this amazing buffet. Apparently Koreans love buffets and I love them too because the variety of food is spectacular. Way better than any kind of buffet I've been to in America. I went to another one last Thursday with my coworker and our old coworker. Julie (my old coworker) has a friend who is interested in improving her English and Julie offered my services. She asked, of course, and I obliged because she mentioned the woman would pay me. Hey,
some pocket change is definitely useful especially because I have a bunch of trips planned to visit Seoul and round-trip bus tickets are so freakin expensive. I've also discovered a self-service bar in these past weeks. Everything is arranged in coolers by price and you can pick whatever you want and whatever glass you want to accompany it. Awesome.

Yesterday, my boss invited me to spend some quality time with her and her family. It was really fun. We drove about an hour and arrived into the countryside. They have a little one room cabin by the site of their deceased relatives. They cremate their relatives but then they still bury them in a tomb like thing. They're not flat either.. it looks like a round stack of hay on top of stone bottom. I obviously didn't take a picture of it. It was interesting and the day was extremely relaxing. I'm becoming more in tune with nature and it's nice.. minus the demon spiders.

The cherry blossoms are fully bloomed and are absolutely more than spectacular. We even took the kids out for a walk around the block one day to simply just enjoy the beauty around us. I went to a mini-festival in my city with a trail of trees and it was just amazing. Life is good.

I almost forgot - I got a straight perm!!!! Every time I look in the mirror, I wonder why I have never done this before in my life. Then I start to realize that I'm a cheap bastard and straight perms in America are outrageously expensive. I got a cut (with bangs), and a straight perm for $70. I was literally astonished that it even worked. I love love love it. The kids were all so shocked and the little ones thought they got a new teacher! Someone even started speaking to me in Korean as I walked down the street one day with a pair of shades on. Hilarious.

I booked my summer vacation to Cambodia. I wanted to hit Cambodia and Taiwan in my nine days but it just wasn't possible with the flight times and stuff. No worries though. I'm really excited for Cambodia, it was first on my list of places I wanted to travel to in Asia. I'd say I'm pretty lucky to have already been to China because I have no need to put that on my list because that obviously would have been first. The cheapest airline only flies out on certain days so I'm only getting four full days. I intend to plan out my adventure to a tee so four days should be sufficient.

Random fact - Koreans don't call their brothers or sisters by their names. They use words. Boys call older boys one thing and older girls another. Girls call older boys something different than what boys say and another word for older girls. So strange. It might make more sense if I remembered the words. All I remember is "opa" which is what girls call a male who is older than them. The terms can be used for people in general too - not just for siblings.

That's all for now! Peace on out.

A meal at Cheryl's - she hosts the meetings with the Korean ladies


  1. Ahhh!!!!! So much awesome in this post!!!!

    1. Good for you for exploring & taking advantage of this oppurtunity! Sounds awesome!!! I can't wait to see all the pictures and videos. I just booked a flight to Iceland. Made a post on couchsurfing to see if anyone wants to hang out. I decided not to couchsurf and to just book a hostel. I think it'll be better for me to meet people that way and get out there, my first time around. The only thing I did alone was DR and I had family there soo... yeah. This is kind of a big step for me.

    2. I fucking looooveee your hair! lol How's it feel? I legit used to feel like a total different person after I got my hair done.


    4. I want a masage for $50!!

    1. HELL YEAH TO ICELAND!!!! How long are you staying? I think that's so awesomeee!!! I'm jealouss!!! And yes, hostels are good ways to meet people! I'm so happy that you're just getting out and traveling. So awesome!

      Thank you! I love my hair too. It feels amazing. I love it!

      Yes a corndog wrapped in french fries!!! Amazing

    2. Woops! I tried to reply to this and made a new comment by accident. Sorry! LOL

  2. Oh my god! That corndog sounds like heaven!!! I neeeeeeed to visit! I refuse to pay full price for a ticket though. I'm still working on a discount & then I'll be there asap. I don't even care if I'm alone all week because you're working. I'll spend my day eating. hahaha

    & As far as how long I am staying in Iceland, I don't know yet. I took the weekend off so maybe a weekend, maybe a week? I really don't know. lol I made my reservation for the 21st to the 28th, but if people come along and want to do something excited, you better believe I am staying!! :) It's definitely about time I get back out there again. I mean, something besides DR & Florida. I'm excited/nervous/scared. I don't even know what I am feeling! haha

    1. Yes food here is to die for and so cheap. And so many different kinds of restaurants and street vendors and everythinggggg you could imagine. That would be so dope if you could come here. Too bad you can't come in May when I have such a long weekend!

      You should be both excited and nervous! Traveling alone can be scary but then you realize how powerful your soul is and it's like nothing can hold you back. It's truly amazing to see what other people see as normal. Iceland should be exquisite

  3. Wow i didn't know you got a perm, i mean, i just thought you used a hair straightener. I seriously love the look. and girls call the older girls "unni" and guys call the older girls "noona". guys call older guys "hyung". Not sure what they call for the young ones, maybe "dongseng"? anyways, when i go to korea i'm definitely gonna get my hair done, which was a question i wanted to ask you through email.



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