work schedule

Hey! I am feeling much better. We've seen some snowfall here in Yangsan but luckily, nothing sticks.

I thought I'd show you what my typical work schedule looks like.

9:30am: Go downstairs (remember, I live on top of the school), hang out until 9:50.
9:50-10:30: Earth class (three students, the youngest kids in the school)
10:30-11:10: Neptune Class (7 students)
11:10-12:50: Mercury Class (4 students)
11:50-12:40: Lunch.
12:40-1:20: Neptune Class
1:20-2:00: Earth Class.
2:00-2:30: break. I have to go back downstairs at 2:30 but hang out until 2:40.
2:40: Bring the students across the street to our Korean sister school & pick up some kids to bring to JLB.
2:50-3:25: Jupiter C (7 students)
3:25-3:55: Jupiter A (2 students)
4:00-4:35: Jump Up I (8 students)
4:35-5:05: Jupiter B (2 students)
5:05-6:00: Prepare for the next day, which really means - play spider solitaire until 6 or research things to do in Korea.

Korean style juicebox
The schedule varies if there's an event/something going on that day. Plus, we've spent a lot of time practicing for Graduation. The kids are going to sing "Let It Go" from that new Disney movie, Frozen. I now know all of the words, haha. The hours may look long but the day goes by really fast. I practically have a break every two hours. I really do love it. I'm so happy that it all worked out. Granted, I wish my roommate was cooler but whatevs. (If there's two clean bowls that are finished drying in the sink rack and I used one and he used one - he will only put his bowl away. Like really? You can't just put both friggen bowls in the cabinet? REALLY?! I want to hit him in the head. I could of been stuck with any foreign teacher in the whole world who came to Korea to discover what the world has to offer and I get stuck with the most boring one who only lives in Korea because his wife does. I've been to more places in Busan in this one month than he has in four years. Ladies and gentlemen, the luck of Jerrica.)

This week was easy.
Tuesday: Field trip to Busan Global Village. Each room had a different theme. My group was assigned to the "bus and taxi room" and the walls were plastered with murals of NYC. The kids learned that red means stop and green means go. Not a bad way to spend my morning. The only thing that was weird that I was assigned to a class that I have never met before. These kids barely spoke any English and didn't really listen to me. It was just weird that they wouldn't assign a Korean teacher to a Korean speaking class. I understand that they want me to mesh, so to say, but like how am I going to be in charge of kids who don't know what I'm saying? The little girl on the right is my favorite from that group. I obviously pick favorites in each class.. some of these kids are too darn cute!

Wednesday: Kelly's birthday! I love when it's someone's birthday here. In the morning, we set up a table for the child and their parents get to come and they always bring a cake and goodies to decorate the table with. We watch a slideshow of pictures of the birthday girl/boy, tell them how awesome they are, give presents, and sing happy birthday. It's cute. I love it because there's free cake, juice, rice cakes, chocolate, what have you. I swear I love sweets more than these kids do!

Friday (tomorrow): Valentine's Day. Big shoutout to my little sister, it's also her birthday. We will decorate cupcakes or something with the morning classes and in the afternoon - fondue!! Holla. It's also the first full moon of the Lunar New Year and there's a giant celebration going on in Busan. I guess it's a really big thing here. On the beach, they have a bonfire, music. dances, games, foods, fireworks - the whole nine yards! The moon rises at 5:35 and I sadly won't make it there in time. Some places in Busan do fireworks until 10.. I might hit up those.

This weekend is more exploring in Busan and next weekend I'm heading to Seoul. I'm excited. Later 'gators.

Things I miss: Any size coffee bigger than a small - their medium is our small and there's no such thing as large or venti, Mexican food, shredded cheese. Not tooooo bad.
