being sick is no fun.

Hey! So I've been sick since last Sunday. I figured it was just a cold or something but I went to the pharmacy and got some regular cold medicine and it hasn't worked or really helped all that much. On Monday, my co-teachers told me to go and get a shot and I looked at them like they were out of their minds. They informed me that it's very common for Koreans to just go and get a shot when they get sick. Today (Friday for me), I realized I wasn't getting any better and decided since I'm here in Korea, I might as well do it their way. On a side note, my apartment is in a clutch location. I am right near a convenient store, a pharmacy, the doctor's office, and of course - Paris Baguette. Anyways, so I headed to the doctor on my lunch with a note from a fellow teacher, Olivia. And low and behold, they gave me a shot right in my butt! What the hell? I don't even have insurance here yet (I'm waiting for my ARC) but the shot and visit only cost me like six bucks. Not too shabby.

The doctor gave me a prescription and when I went to go fill it - someone please tell me why he prescribed me six different pills for a three day period. Six pills? I'm not dying. I legit just have a cold and I'm sure it's because of the germy children who have all been taking turns getting sick this winter. I don't even know what
each pill is. I'm really skeptical on taking them. I'm hoping the shot will just kick me into good health.

It's raining here now and it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I'm just going to spend my Saturday recuperating. Hopefully I'll feel better on Sunday so I can go into Busan and explore a bit. Plus, I just got paid so I want to treat myself to a spa day. Spas here are really inexpensive. I can't believe I've been here for a month! It doesn't feel like it at all. I plan to put my paycheck to good use by buying a plane ticket to Jeju Island (the largest island here in Korea) and a little weekend trip to Japan. It's only 80 bucks roundtrip to fly to Osaka. I've been checking flights from the cheap airline sites here and realized that flying to Japan is really cheap but they almost quadruple the price during national holidays AKA all of my days off. I figure I can just take a few weekend trips to Japan and each time fly into a different airport. I am really good at hitting all the tourist spots in a short period of time. When I was studying in London, we did a weekend trip to Disneyland and only got one full day to explore Paris. Me and my friends were able to hit seven out of eight destinations on a post card in one full day. I also drove the coast of California in one day after all of the Californians told me I couldn't. I am a determined tourist.

Til my next post.



  1. I should not be laughing this hard at this post, but I am freaking dyiiiinnnngggg! tooo funny. These people are serious about a cold.. I mean a shot? Really? LOL I really hope you feel better soon though! :( & I need to travel soon! I really want to travel as much as you have, but I don't have many friends willing to invest in it! One of my goals of 2014 is to meet up with you on at least one excursion, not sure when or where, but I will! I'm not sure where I am in my life right now. Part of me wants to go REALLY REALLY far and do all that touristy stuff and part of me wants to just lay on a beach all day with a drink in my hand. LOL Anywayysssss, feel better fast! Hopefully one of those 6 pills does the trick!

    1. I know! They're real serious out here. No one I know is ever serious about traveling either. Everyone "wants to" but when it comes down to it they're full of excuses. Come visit! I have a week off next January (I think I told you already) and I'm going to Thailand. That would be a perfect time to spend some time on the beach with a drink in hand. That's what I plan to do. I hope you make your goal!

      And now that we've finally got back into communicating, I can always be that person to travel with you! I was trying to go to Mexico in December and no one would go with me! I'm always done for a vacation or a road trip. And you know this!

    2. Are you feeling any better? & Yes you did, I kept forgetting to reply to that e-mail, but I am 100% down for Thailand. A friend of mine just got back not too long ago and she loved it!

      I spent alllll day yesterday trying to figure out how to get to you, like either Seoul or Busan. I'm not entirely sure how this merge thing works though. It's too new to be clear on where I can and cannot go. I tried to book a ticket yesterday and it wouldn't let me. I can't seem to figure it out, but when I do, the real planning will begin and I will just plan my trip around any excursions you have going on and if you're working then I will go out and explore on my own! :)

      So I'm finally starting a blog up, but I can't think of a title. It's pretty much going to be about fitness, traveling, & a couple of other things here and there.

    3. I feel much better but I still have a stuffy nose which is annoying. You can call your blog "Sanayra aims higher" lol

      I live near Busan so I'd say fly into Busan. I mean, you can always fly into Seoul if you want and explore Seoul on your own then maybe take a bus or train down here. I'm a four hour bus ride and a two hour KTX ride.

      Jen Phan is going to Seoul in June. I'm going to go up there for the weekend when she's there. Do you still talk to her? Maybe you guys could get in touch. Alsooooo, I've been looking at flights and stuff and apparently they go fast here so I booked a few things and realized I have May 5+6 off so since I couldn't find any good flights for then - I'm going to Seoul from the 2nd to the 6th. so if you were to come then, I could meet you in Seoul.

    4. LOL noooo! That sounds weird. Ughhhh, hardest decision ever!

      Here and there I'll run into her, but I don't talk to her. Maybe closer to the date if flights are looking open, I'll head over. I can't do those dates in May because I have Vegas for Thydas birthday on the 4th and then probably something else for Chucks birthday on the 7th. I just read your new post though & I definitely want to tag along for at least one of those.

      It's hard to make any definite plans because I'm stand-by so if flights are full, I'm not going to make it & I refuse to pay full price for a ticket. haha I figure if I need to go somewhere to hang out with you, I'll just couchsurf or hostel until you get there. I'll figure something out! August and September are perfect times for me to fly though because the kids (and parents) are getting ready for school here.

    5. Ah jealous! You just went to Vegas!!!

      I'm only going to Tokyo Friday-Sunday and Jeju Saturday - Wednesday. If you can't find a ticket to Busan.. I doubt you can find one to Jeju? It's an island here.

      I noticed on my flight here - there were TONS of open seats. The only thing for you is that you'd obviously have a layover in California most likely. Would you have to go on standby for the layover too?


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