Barcelona Day 7


I woke up a few times throughout the morning and then in the afternoon all the way until it was about 5PM and I knew I needed to get up. I’m unsure why I was so exhausted this morning/day. I feel like someone else’s tiring energy was being sprung onto me honestly, thus draining my own. But that’s okay because then I got up and ventured out and bought a new pair of sneakers. I was sitting in my usual smoke spot - right across the street from my hostel - in the chair I put a ‘Protect Your Peace’ sticker up next to a monster sticker. I suppose I just ‘called’ this as my assigned seat. Ha. Honestly, I’ve been enjoying time alone just observing what’s around me and really becoming hyperaware. The synchronicities have been ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing and I appreciate them all. It’s small things you know. Like when you’re jamming to a good song after finding out you’re staying longer in Spain and walk by a store called “New Home.” Or when you stop to smoke a cigarette and people speaking English walk by and one of the boys is holding a whole entire cake and another boy who is a little shorter with cute, curly brown hair is talking about how he’s only known this girl for two days but he just knows she’s the one for him. Small things that make you smile. Like choosing a random spot to stop and smoke some weed at and then looking up, you see a happy face drawn on the cement wall directly in front of you. Likeee, yes! I love it. Yesterday, at 5:55AM, I went outside to smoke a morning cigarette and there was not a single soul around. Out of nowhere, a girl rides her bicycle past me and she is in the same kind of black and orange reverse tie dye shirt as me. And then again.. no one. How strange for this girl in the same kind of shirt to cross my path in that very second I came outside? Life is so strange and also so wonderful. 

Then later on this same Saturday, I met an Irish man going on and on about his wife and then I came to learn he has only known this woman for 48 hours, just like the kid from earlier today. He said “time doesn’t exist with love” and we laughed and drank whiskey until sunrise chatting about life and love and fear. He once met some girl named Veronica in Greece, met up with her in Portugal, and then went all the way to the Czech Republic to find her in her small hometown. And you know what? He found her. Obviously Veronica wasn’t the one because now he says he's moving to Costa Rica to marry Joanna and adopt her son. He speaks with so much passion though and I appreciate his authenticity. He originally came up to me while I was sitting in my chair and he just started chatting with me, as it seems people have been doing quite a lot of lately - headphones on or not. He told me I had great energy and he could feel the love in my energy and just wanted to be around me. And that was so nice of him to say to me. He is the funniest old little (but actually tall) Irish guy. Funny enough, he was a ginger and drunkenly fun for sure. Some guy who most definitely is a local walked by us and stopped to give him a hug. You could tell that this man loved this Irish guy and called him his cousin. This new man was from Pakistan but definitely lives in Barcelona cause he spoke Spanish fluently. He told me I was a good person and then gave me some Johnnie Walker mixed with red bull. Lol. Seriously, what is life? All I did was come out to my chair and the excitement just shows up! 

Before all of the Irish and whiskey excitement, I was actually on my way inside because I just finished smoking a jay in my chair where I met two boys from Morocco who are studying in France and a guy from the Philippines who is living in Amsterdam.  They sat in the public chairs next to mine to come smoke. They were taking a short trip to Barcelona and were hostel roommates. I’m pretty sure me looking like I was Arabic came up again today - this time specifically from Egypt. Also, they can speak fluent French because people in Morocco can speak French. So that’s cool. They were fun and I now know of this huge ass weed farm that I can go to in Northern Morocco and that you should most definitely not visit Marrakesh in August but instead April. I saw them both again but separately during the wee daytime hours when I came back into the hostel later with this kid from Paris who I actually met a few days earlier. One of these friendly students was in the bathroom getting ready and I noticed him as I walked by so I stopped to laugh a little with him and fist bump him before telling him good luck in the rest of his journey. The other I saw as I was walking into the French kids room because he was walking into his own room at the same exact time, which was the one next door to the left. We made eye contact and exchanged some giggles. Connections. I've missed this.

And just a fun update with my roomies - Simon, Jonah, and Lucas - they all came home wasted tonight. But like happy, fun, hilarious drunk. Lucas was knocked ouuutttttt and apparently met some Spanish ladies and he went out to the bar with them. Simon definitely had it the most together and Jonah was like so cutesy drunk it was hilarious. He kept almost falling out of his bed when he was sticking his head out to tell me how this was the most drunk he’s ever been in life. And he kept dropping change onto the floor somehow and was like “I’ll just get all this stuff tomorrow.” LOL! I seriously love them.

I have one more day in Barcelona and I need to stop going to the pot shop but only I’m just kidding because I’m totally going there tomorrow (which is really later today) and hash is a big thing here so I think I’m going to get some, then smoke it, then hit up the Picasso museum. So stay tuned because who knows what’s going to happen to me today. Later y'all. 
