Country #20? Check!!

These past two months have been filled with uncontrollable laughter, nights filled with dancing instead of sleeping, flavored soju, new friends & old friends, karaoke, and a hell of a lot of electronic dance music. Needless to say I'm a niche of pure, sweet bliss and it feels absolutely wonderful.

I just got back from the Philippines with three of my favorite human beings to ever exist, Rizza (from the Philippines, also our translator for the trip) & Andrea (from South Africa) & Rachel (from Missouri). You know you're good friends with a person when you can travel and still remain friends at the end of the trip. There was a whole lot of estrogen present but a whole lot of laughter as well and we had the time of our lives. We rented the cutest little villa, called Elsa's place, which came equipped with an amazing ocean view and a bar kitchen. From morning mudslides to coconuts filled with mojitos, I couldn't have asked for better drinking buddies. I was also blessed with the opportunity to cross some things off my bucket list - such as parasailing and helmet diving. We even threw a house party. As a bartender, I convinced myself I can scope out good company and bad company and we carefully selected guests to attend. I made my college famous "Jerri-ritas" (margaritas with a little jerrica twist) and we all were more than surprised when people showed up! It was SO FUN and I'm not really sure if this is my life or a sequel to Superbad. I ended the trip with a new tattoo and a belly full of Mexican food. Country #20 has definitely been one for the books.

Since pictures say a thousand words, click "Read More" to see some!

one hour massage for $5

just bartending and taking selfies

4th of july in korea

we rented a whole jeepney!


just photo-bombing some koreans

ATV riding 

helmet diving!
